The Casa dos Açores da Bermuda has broken the ground on their renovations on the first Casa dos Açores building in Bermuda. With this casa we can hold more events and share Azorean culture and keep traditions alive.
Muito obrigada a Entasis Architects, Island Construction, JMS General Contractor, AfterHours Plumbing e Island Electrical & Maintenance Limited por entrar neste projecto com nós.

June 2nd, 2020 the old asbestos roof was removed.
Casa Renovations update:
Back yard cleared out for the pump room door. We love to see the progress. Obrigada JMS General Contractors
It’s just amazing when a community comes together for a good cause. Thank you very much to Frank Fagundo and Precision LMT for you donation of services. Our sincerest gratitude. It’s just so amazing and our hearts are overflowing with the support and kind acts we are receiving to help out our Charity. We are so looking forward to opening up our Center and being able to share our culture and traditions with all of Bermuda.